Club Information
Sun-N-Sand is an N-scale model railroad club specializing in permanent and NTRAK modular layout designs and was founded in Phoenix, Arizona USA in 1973. In 1978, Sun-N-Sand moved to the Scottsdale McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park.
Sun-N-Sand’s membership is drawn from all parts of the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, and from all walks of life.
Sun-N-Sand is a member of the Scottsdale Railroad and Mechanical Society. All members receive membership in the
N-Trak Modular Railroading Society and several members also belong to the National Model Railroad Association.
Members participate in layout improvement and maintenance and run trains on their own schedule. One or more tracks are almost always available to run trains. During special events at the part the club strives to have members present to run trains and answer questions about the club and layout.